Private Music Lessons
- Blue Mountain Music Studio offers private instruction in Piano and Bassoon. Lessons occur once a week. Early afternoon, after school and evening slots available to accommodate all schedules. And the first introductory meeting is free!
- Students ages 5-6 have a 30 minute private lesson. Students ages 7-18 also participate in a 30 minute Lab time session in addition to a private lesson, for a total of 60 minutes. Lab is required for all new students ages 7 and above. More details about lab time can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Students will need either a piano or a high quality keyboard with a pedal at home, before starting lessons. If you need help obtaining an instrument, please support local businesses by visiting or West Piano, both located in Roanoke, VA.
Lab time gives us the opportunity for review and reinforcement of concepts learned during lessons, as well as time to cover additional topics we just can’t get to in lessons. There is a separate keyboard station for lab time and the majority of activities use an iPad for educational apps, games, or instructional videos. Each month has a different theme, and topics include Music History, Creativity, Music Theory, Ear Training, Rhythm, and more.
Would you like more information? Want to take advantage of the free introductory lesson? Click below to get started: